Tvtropes nidhogg
Tvtropes nidhogg

His son, Baldr, was used to power Erzengel. He has turned up occasionally afterwards, either in person, by possessing Sleipnir, or speaking through a flock of crows. He accidentally released Nidhogg, and disappeared shortly after the dragon was sealed in the underworld again, leaving Sleipnir to act in his stead.

tvtropes nidhogg

The Norse All-Father, Wotan was called down to assist the Nazi forces in the fight against the Russians. Demonic Possession: Possesses Comissar Chabal in order to do anything.He cannot be killed outright by normal means, and serves as Czernabog's proxy in matters outside of Russia. Koschei is an enormous, silent, supernatural Slavic warrior. Sizeshifter: Frequently changes size to fit the situation.Cunning Linguist: Has displayed the ability to gain instant mastery over other languages simply by looking at a native speaker.Not that it matters, seeing as at least some of the forces are in a state of cease-fire. He is nominally on the Nazi side, but doesn't appear to care much for them. The Steed Of Wotan, an eight-legged divine talking horse who Wotan left behind as his proxy. The Voice: Killing off his physical form sends him to who-knows-where, from which only his voice is heard.However, it only destroyed his mortal shell, sending him back to wherever it is he lives. Thanatos Gambit: He wrestles Niddhogg still so Wotan can attack, destroying them both.Orcus on His Throne: He towers over the battlefield, summons great hordes of undead abominations, and.Except for when his physical form is gone, at which point he speaks in people's minds.

tvtropes nidhogg tvtropes nidhogg

  • No Indoor Voice: HE'S LIKE MOST GODS THAT WAY.
  • Koschei is his appointed champion and proxy, and he commands an army of demons and evil spirits. His physical body is destroyed in the battle with Nidhogg, but he lives on as a disembodied voice ordering around his minions. Appears to combat the Nazi invasion of Russia. The Slavic 'dark god', who appears in a manner rather similar to his appearance in Fantasia (an enormous winged black demon).

    Tvtropes nidhogg